11 research outputs found

    Measuring transparency in public spending: Case of Czech Public e-Procurement Information System

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the potential of e-Government tools to enable the general public to oversee spending of public institutions. The paper illustrates the “watchdog” potential of reducing corruption by means of providing information to the public on the example of the Czech Public e-Procurement Information System (further called System). The System is an Internet portal, where public authorities announce their intention to purchase goods and services. Such announcements are monitored by private entities that can compete for the respective public contract. For our paper we used a web robot to collect data about public procurements from the System and utilized them for construction of an original Transparency Index, which rates institutions that award public contracts (so called contracting authorities). The composite Index is constructed as a weighted sum of ten various transparency indicators, computed separately for each contracting authority. This Index could serve as an efficient benchmark for continuous control and comparison of public institutions in the area of public procurement and demonstrates how an e-Government tool can contribute to greater openness and accountability of these public institutions and to enhancement of the civic engagement in the control of governmental activities. The results of our research suggest that although the System is good step forward, its current structure does not enable the public to effectively exercise public control over procurements spending of contracting authorities, because of serious difficulties related to viewing (and extraction) of aggregate data. On the other hand, on example of our Transparency Index, we demonstrate that if the System allowed for easier access to data on public procurements, it would serve as an efficient tool of public control and facilitate open government initiatives.public procurement, Transparency Index, efficient public control, open government, corruption

    Energy sector and the climate change - legal aspects

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    Energetika a klimatické změny z pohledu práva Tato diplomová práce se zabývá vztahem právní úpravy ochrany klimatu a energetiky. Cílem této diplomové práce je popsat a analyzovat vztah mezi energetikou a ochranou klimatu s důrazem na rozdíly v právním pojetí tohoto vztahu mezi vyspělými a rozvojovými zeměmi. Vyspělé země jsou v této práci reprezentovány Českou republikou, respektive v některých bodech Evropskou unií, rozvojové země globálního Jihu v této práci zastupuje Peru, respektive Andské společenství. Předmětem analýzy je právní úprava ochrany klimatu a energetiky na úrovni práva mezinárodního, evropského, práva Andského společenství, práva českého a peruánského. Hypotézou práce je, že rozvojové země, jejichž situace je zde popsána na příkladu Peru, musí být ze strany vyspělých zemí pozitivně motivovány k tomu, aby se aktivně zapojily do boje s klimatickou změnou. Tato pozitivní motivace může mít například formu technologických transferů, finanční pomoci nebo investic do projektů na snížování emisí skleníkových plynů v těchto zemích. Výsledky srovnání právních úprav ochrany klimatu a energetiky v Peru a v České republice, jakož i v Andském společenství a Evropské unii, jasně naznačují, že rozvojové státy v obdobné situaci jako Peru ještě nejsou připraveny zapojit se do mitigačních opatření...Energy sector and the chmate change - legal aspects The topic of this diploma thesis is the relationship between the law of the climate change and the energy sector. The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze this relationship with special focus on the differences in legal enactment of this relation in the law of the developed and developing countries. The developed countries are in this thesis represented by the Czech Republic and the European Union, respectively; the developing countries of the global South are represented by Peru and the Andean Community, respectively. The object of the analysis is the climate change law and energy sector in the international law, European law, in the law of the Andean Community, and in the Czech and Peruvian law. The research hipothesis of this work is that the developing countries, whose situation is described on the case of Peru, shall be positively motivated by developed countries to participate actively on the international climate change mitigation efforts. This positive motivation may have form of, for example, technology transfers, financial aid or investments to the projects that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in these countries. The results of the comparison of the enactment of the relation between climate change law and...Department of Environmental LawKatedra práva životního prostředíFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Energy sector and the climate change - legal aspects

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    Energy sector and the chmate change - legal aspects The topic of this diploma thesis is the relationship between the law of the climate change and the energy sector. The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze this relationship with special focus on the differences in legal enactment of this relation in the law of the developed and developing countries. The developed countries are in this thesis represented by the Czech Republic and the European Union, respectively; the developing countries of the global South are represented by Peru and the Andean Community, respectively. The object of the analysis is the climate change law and energy sector in the international law, European law, in the law of the Andean Community, and in the Czech and Peruvian law. The research hipothesis of this work is that the developing countries, whose situation is described on the case of Peru, shall be positively motivated by developed countries to participate actively on the international climate change mitigation efforts. This positive motivation may have form of, for example, technology transfers, financial aid or investments to the projects that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in these countries. The results of the comparison of the enactment of the relation between climate change law and..

    Případová studie k hodnocení dopadů : EU ETS a investičnírozhodování elektrárenských společností

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    Tato práce se zabývá hodnocením dopadů regulatorní nejistoty spojené s Evropským systémem obchodovatelných emisních povolení (EU ETS) na investiční rozhodování elektrárenských společností. V současné době probíhá v rámci ČR i EU debata, jejímž předmětem je nutnost výstavby nových elektrárenských kapacit, které by byly schopny i v budoucnu uspokojit rostoucí poptávku po elektřině. Tyto investice jsou však ohrožovány nejasnostmi ohledně budoucího vývoje regulatorního rámce EU ETS, který podmiňuje ceny obchodovatelných emisních povolení. Tato práce s využitím modelu reálné opce analyzuje dopady různých variant budoucího vývoje cen povolenek na investice do výstavby nových elektráren a identifikuje regulatorní nejistotu jako jeden z hlavních důvodů, proč jsou investice do výstavby nových zdrojů ze strany investorů odkládány. Analýza je zasazena do širšího kontextu obecného výkladu o EU ETS a hodnocení dopadů prováděného Evropskou komisí. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)This thesis is focused on the assessment of impacts of the regulatory uncertainty related to the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS) on investment decision-making of power generators. The need for investments in new power generation capacities that would be capable to satisfy in the future the growing electricity demand is currently a discussed topic on the Czech as well as on the EU level. These investments are endangered by the uncertainty regarding the future development of the EU ETS regulatory framework, which is a major price driver of the tradable emission allowances. This thesis uses the real option model to analyze the impacts of potential future developments of the emission allowance prices on the investments into new power plants and identifies the regulatory uncertainty as one of the major causes, why investors postpone the investment into the construction of new sources. The analysis is embedded into a broader framework depicturing the EU ETS and the impact assessment procedure conducted by the European Commission. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Institute of Economic StudiesInstitut ekonomických studiíFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Hodnocení dopadu zavedení evropského systému obchodovatelných emisních povolení se zaměřením na Českou republiku

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    Institute of Economic StudiesInstitut ekonomických studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Impact Assessment case study: EU ETS and investment decision-making of power generators

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    This thesis is focused on the assessment of impacts of the regulatory uncertainty related to the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS) on investment decision- making of power generators. The need for investments in new power generation capacities that would be capable to satisfy in the future the growing electricity demand is currently a discussed topic on the Czech as well as on the EU level. These investments are endangered by the uncertainty regarding the future development of the EU ETS regulatory framework, which is a major price driver of the tradable emission allowances. This thesis uses the real option model to analyze the impacts of potential future developments of the emission allowance prices on the investments into new power plants and identifies the regulatory uncertainty as one of the major causes, why investors postpone the investment into the construction of new sources. The analysis is embedded into a broader framework depicturing the EU ETS and the impact assessment procedure conducted by the European Commission

    Případová studie k hodnocení dopadů: EU ETS a investiční rozhodování elektrárenských společností

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    Tato prace se zabyva hodnocenim dopadů regulatorni nejistoty spojene s Evropskym systemem obchodovatelnych emisnich povoleni (EU ETS) na investični rozhodovani elektrarenskych společnosti. V současne době probiha v ramci ČR i EU debata, jejimž předmětem je nutnost vystavby novych elektrarenskych kapacit, ktere by byly schopny i v budoucnu uspokojit rostouci poptavku po elektřině. Tyto investice jsou však ohrožovany nejasnostmi ohledně budouciho vyvoje regulatorniho ramce EU ETS, ktery podmiňuje ceny obchodovatelnych emisnich povoleni. Tato prace s využitim modelu realne opce analyzuje dopady různych variant budouciho vyvoje cen povolenek na investice do vystavby novych elektraren a identifikuje regulatorni nejistotu jako jeden z hlavnich důvodů, proč jsou investice do vystavby novych zdrojů ze strany investorů odkladany. Analyza je zasazena do širšiho kontextu obecneho vykladu o EU ETS a hodnoceni dopadů provaděneho Evropskou komisi.This thesis is focused on the assessment of impacts of the regulatory uncertainty related to the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS) on investment decision- making of power generators. The need for investments in new power generation capacities that would be capable to satisfy in the future the growing electricity demand is currently a discussed topic on the Czech as well as on the EU level. These investments are endangered by the uncertainty regarding the future development of the EU ETS regulatory framework, which is a major price driver of the tradable emission allowances. This thesis uses the real option model to analyze the impacts of potential future developments of the emission allowance prices on the investments into new power plants and identifies the regulatory uncertainty as one of the major causes, why investors postpone the investment into the construction of new sources. The analysis is embedded into a broader framework depicturing the EU ETS and the impact assessment procedure conducted by the European Commission.Institute of Economic StudiesInstitut ekonomických studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    How much do we need to clean?

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    Purpose-driven cleaning. How much do we need to dig into data quality depends on what for do we need it. Practical experience from procurement, insolvency, public auction and other registries

    The Anticorruption Frontline

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    From Turkey to Egypt, Bulgaria to Ukraine, and Brazil to India, we witness the rise of an angry urban middle class protesting against what they see as fundamental corruption of their political regimes, perceived as predatory and inefficient. Corruption is near the top of all global protesters’ list of grievances – from the Occupy movement to the Arab Spring. Their countries have benefited to varying degrees from globalization, but their regimes have all failed to evolve politically to meet their expectations. Corruption has become the main explanation for failures in government performance, for networks of patrons and clients subverting fair competition, and for billions of Euro in disappearing public funds, national or foreign assistance income. The economic crisis exposed the hypocrisy of rich countries which control corruption at home but use it to advance their economic interests abroad. The rise in the last two decades of an international anti-corruption regime only raised awareness but failed so far to diminish corruption